Volume 2 Issue 6 – “We’re almost there!”
Tentative Approval…7 days & counting!!
So much of life is tentative; yet, we are absolutely sure God’s will is that none should perish and that our call is to serve Him in Argentina!
We are so sure God will supply our remaining financial need that we are in Springfield preparing all of our worldly possessions for shipment to Buenos Aires!
We are so close, we’ve received clearance from AGWM to depart on April 30, with the stipulation, we will have a financial review in 60 days.
We are short just a few hundred dollars in cash and a bit more in monthly support.
Can you help remove the tentativeness from our mission?
Give a One-Time Offering online (Click Here)
Support the Wellborns Monthly (Click Here)
Deduct monthly support from debit card or credit card (Click Here)
Mail checks to:
Assemblies of God World Missions
Jonathan and Michelle Wellborn Account #292763-0
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802-1894
Our Missionary Information
Missionary receiving support = Jonathan and Michelle Wellborn
Region = LAC
Missionary’s account number = 292763-0
E-mail: argentina@thewellborns.com
Or call us at 417-631-3913
Thanks to you for your investment in the Kingdom through support of our ministry.
Your Missionaries to Argentina, Latin America & the World!
Jonathan, Michelle, Alexis & Isabella
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