Volume 13 Issue 2 – Dreaming with my eyes wide open

[Wellborn News] Dreaming with my eyes wide open
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Dreaming with my eyes wide open

God has confirmed in my heart so many times what He wants me to do. It’s humbling to be able to be a part of what He is doing. We are living in a special hour. Although many fear this present time, this is an exciting time to be alive and to walk in the promise of Joel 2:28. God is pouring out His Spirit and like it was said in Isaiah 43:19, He is doing a new thing.

During the last few months, I have seen the Lord time and time again reveal Himself. More than ever I am convinced that signs and wonders do follow those who believe. I believe! I have tasted and I have seen, I believe!


I preached the pure and simple gospel message to a group of around 100 children. Several accepted the Lord. There were two older ladies who came to the front. They were weeping as they gave their lives to Jesus. Then later my friends preached to the adults, and then they called me and my girls up to help pray for the sick. The Lord gave me a word for someone who had leg pain. I asked if there was anyone with leg pain, and one of the ladies who had accepted Jesus earlier came running towards me saying, “I am the one with leg pain.” 
As she was running up to the altar, her adult daughter with tears rolling down her cheeks was running alongside her saying, “My mom can speak! She hasn’t been able to speak for years!” God gave this lady the gift of salvation, she was no longer mute and had no pain in her leg. She was filled with JOY! I spoke into her life and challenged her to reach her family.

EMM IBRP Online School Launches!

In May we launched the new School of Media Ministry Online! The River Plate Bible Institute’s School of Media Ministry, EMM IBRP, will offer 20 Courses with most subjects containing 20 classes. This is a huge undertaking for us as we continue to offer our resident courses as well; nearly all of our classes are at full capacity with approximately 40 students in each class! However, we feel such an urgency to make our materials available online as well. For over a year we have been receiving messages daily from people all over Latin America asking when we will be able to launch the online school. For now we have the first 2 Courses available and are editing the 3rd. Please pray for us as we continue to film and edit all these classes; it’s going to be a lot of work, but we know these will be powerful tools for media ministries worldwide!
Click to discover more about our School of Media Ministry on Facebook

Castle Club

The Lord is waking up His army to reach the generations with the pure and simple redemption message of Jesus. Both woman and men have been ignited with a passion to war against the plans of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy. The Holy Spirit has reminded them of dreams that He placed inside of them long ago. All over Argentina the Lord is using Castle Club to empower teachers who then empower their students to live in their identity of children of the King. So many stories of freedom, empowerment, salvation, redemption and miracles have been told. 

Click to discover more about Club Castillo Argentina on Facebook

Child Hope (formerly LACC)

We went to do a school assembly, and the power of the Holy Spirit fell upon the children. They were weeping, and Jesus loved on them all. The Lord gave a Word of Knowledge to one of my team about pain in a specific area of her back, and one of the teachers came forward. We prayed for her, and her pain was gone. Another boy came up who was deaf in one ear and God opened his ear. Another student came up and said that he had flat feet, and God put the arch in his foot!

IBRP (The River Plate Bible Institute)

The Lord put on my heart the name “Rocio,” and I asked the class if there was a Rocio there, and they all shook their heads “no.” I thought to myself, “Maybe I heard wrong,” and then a leader said there was a Rocio, but she quit coming because she got discouraged. I smiled, and the leader asked me to record the word so that she could send it to her. Rocio responded in tears asking me how I knew about her, and I said because my Jesus knows you and He sees you and He wants you to know that.

Missions Team from South Carolina

We went to the North of Argentina with a team from South Carolina. Our plan was to build a girls dormitory for the Master’s Commission ministry there and also do daily medical clinics and outreach. When the team tried to come in with the meds that they had brought to use here in ministry ALL of their medicines were detained at the aduana (customs office). We had to find God’s plan B. The team purchased some meds in country, and we believed Jesus for the miraculous. I challenged the students –who were working in the tent where they prayed for salvations, needs and miracles– to seek Jesus for signs and wonders. I challenged them to see 100 miracles that week, and they were blown away by how God was moving and using them. Each day every student saw miracles and healings! I prayed for a lady who was missing two bones in her back and felt God grow the bones right under my hand. The students reported miracles of God disappearing hernias, growing legs, placing arches in feet, healing back pain and knee pain, and the list goes on. We were all challenged to see God move in a miraculous way. And He did!

Castle Club Summit

A few years back the Lord put it on my heart to plan a summit for the Castle Club Leaders from South America. I wasn’t expecting that many to respond to the invitation, but I was surprised when 130 leaders representing all of the countries in South America came to have an encounter with Jesus. The theme God had given to me was “Wake up the Wonder.” 

God did just that.

He woke up the Wonder of Identity, Wonder in the Prophetic, Wonder through Baptisms of the Holy Spirit, Wonder of Signs and the Miraculous, Wonder of Fire, the Wonder of Jesus. 

There is so much that Jesus is wanting to do, but we need to believe that Jesus is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do.  We ended the week in an outdoor crusade on the boardwalk. People were walking by the crusade and drawn into the Wonder of Jesus. One guy was passing by, and he was suicidal, God called him out, and he was set free. Two men were walking by and drawn by the presence of Jesus, and my dad prayed for them and their eyes were opened and were filled with the Holy Spirit. People were drawn by the Presence of Jesus. Jesus was presented, and Jesus made Himself known. 

We need to make Jesus famous to the next generation. It’s not that hard when we allow Jesus to make Himself known to us. When we sit down at the breakfast table and invite Jesus to sit down and chat with us. When we listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and stop what we are doing to hear His heart. I am excited to walk in the greater things, and I am even more excited about training a generation of young people to do the same thing.

Jesus is alive! And I can prove it!


The Wellborns

Prayer Requests

Please continue to pray & believe with us for God to:

*Pray for continued growth in Castle Club, Child Hope. 

*Pray for the Media Ministry School as we continue growing and creating the On-Line Media School.       

*Pray for our finances to continue to come in so we have operating funds.

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