Volume 7 Issue 1 – “33 Days and Counting!”

33 Days and Counting!

The sun is setting on our furlough season; February 18th we will be embarking on yet another journey! Headed back to Argentina, the country of our calling! We are going, believing God will provide us with the rest of our principal budget; God has been so faithful! We are leaving with 91% of our budget raised.

We are so excited to be going back, but also we want to be able to work at full force to multiply the message of Jesus as loud as we can. We want to be as effective as possible; in order to do so we need a full budget. It’s never too late to support Jonathan, Michelle, Alexis, Isabella and Joshua Wellborn.

Would you be willing to support us $33 a month, or more, for the next 4 years?

“The Bible says that Gideon and his 300 men “. . . came to the Jordan and
crossed over . . . exhausted yet pursuing” (Judges 8:4). Gideon chose to get
back into warfare with the enemy. He crossed over to the other side of the
river and got back into the battle God had called him to fight. When you live
out the mission that God has called you to; when you are not discouraged and
dissuaded by what others say about you; when it is your holy ambition to do
what God has called you to do—that becomes your victory.” 
– Gary Wilkerson

Stay focused on your battle, stay focused on your calling, and God will give you the victory!

We have the victory! We are moving forward with a holy ambition; believing for the rest of our fundamental support to come in over the next 33 days! Would you please pray about becoming part of our financial support team? We really need your help.

Click Here to make an on-going monthly commitment.
Or just e-mail us back at jonathan.wellborn@agmd.org

Your missionaries to Argentina,

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